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Anthurium Radicans


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Overview Of TheĀ Anthurium Radicans :Ā 

Anthurium radicans is an evergreen tropical perennial plant from the famous Araceae family. This is among the short Anthuriums, getting not more than 20 to 30 inches in size. The shiny dark-green and prominently veined leaves grow on their petioles. A part of these bold leaves, the plant produces beautiful showy flowers in maroon to purple shades throughout the year.

This epiphytic climber grows equally well in pots, terrariums, and outdoor plantations. All this easy-to-care plant needs is indirect light, high humidity, and mild watering. Just be careful about the toxicity of the plant and keep it away from kids and pets.

The Anthurium radicans. This native of the rainforests in Brazil and Ecuador was officially described around the middle of the 18thĀ century. It is an epiphyte in nature and loves to climb upon nearby trees or supports. The dark-green, heart-shaped, prominently-veined caudate leaves grow on the tips of long petioles.

Besides the foliage, the beauty of the plant is enhanced by reddish flowers that bloom throughout the year. Overall, the small size and attractive appearance make it a nice choice for both indoor and outdoor plantations.

Apart from this, the plant is extensively hybridized to form a large variety of beautiful but sterile hybrid Anthuriums. Still with us? Keep reading to know more about the care and maintenance of the Radicans Anthurium plant.

Anthurium radicans Classification

Family:Ā Araceae.

Genus:Ā Anthurium.

Species:Ā A. radicans

Genus Anthurium

This is the largest genus of the Aroid family, introduced back in 1829. It comprises more than 1000 flowering plant species includingĀ epiphytesĀ and terrestrial growers. These American natives commonly hail from Mexico, the Caribbean, and Argentina.

The edged foliage and specific flowers associate various combined common names with these plants. These names include flamingo flower plants, tail flowers, and lace leaves.

Common Name

  • Anthuriums Malyi.

Origin and Distribution

Anthurium radicans was first studied and described in 1854. It is native to the rainforests of Brazil and Ecuador. It is found in the tropical regions of America.

Features of the Anthurium radicans Plant


This is one of the shortest of all species found in the genus. The size depends upon the space available and does not exceed above 20 to 25 inches. However, you may notice a taller plant when growing around support to climb.


The beautiful shiny leaves can get about 3 to 5 inches in size. Numerous soft and water-retaining stems grow from the base and support a leaf individually.


The plant blooms beautiful showy flowers in all the seasons. These flowers can be red, maroon, or pink in color growing spirally on a spadix. They have a surprisingly long life of about 3 to 4 months. After drying, these beautiful flowers dry out and fall giving space to the new blooms.


Just like all other Anthuriums, Radicans too are toxic in nature. Close contact can cause skin allergy while ingestion leads to diarrhoea, nausea, and ulceration of the mouth area. Thus, keep kids and pets away from the plant.

Resilience and long life:

This pretty Anthurium will grow more than you consider. In perfect care and a proper environment, this peep will grow and thrive for years.

TheĀ Anthurium Radicans, symbolized for hospitality, is a popular houseplant choice. The reason for their exemplification of hospitality is the showy and heart-shaped leaves.

It is a long-lasting and easy-to-grow plant, which are two other causes for its widespread admiration.

This tropical plant does not require too much maintenance. The Anthurium Radicans plant enjoys growing in moist, well-drained soil with dappled sunlight.

It thrives in mild temperatures and has moderate watering needs. It can be called a water-loving plant. However, over-watering can lead to extensive damage.

The Anthurium Radicans, also known as Anthurium Malyi, is the sole member of the Chamaerepium section.

This aroid species is native to Southeastern Brazil and parts of Ecuador. Up till now, the Radicans species is the smallest creeping AnthuriumĀ among the others.

The bullate and cordate leaves of the Anthurium Radicans add to its beauty.

The Radicans plant is often used to produce variousĀ hybrids. The hybrid species give rise to unique plants with interesting foliage.

However, they are sterile, and so do not make a successive generation.

Another fascinating fact about the Anthurium species is that they all produce beautiful flowers with both female and male organs.

But, the Anthurium Radicans species do not self-pollinate. The female flowers become receptive earlier than the male flowers. Therefore, female flowers rely on insects for pollination.

Anthurium Radicans Plant care


Generally, these tropical species thrive in well-drained, moist, organic soil.

The ideal potting content for Anthurium Radicans is anĀ orchid mixĀ containing additional sand and peat moss. The perfect pH for the Radican plant is 6.1 to 6.5 (slightly acidic).

If you are growing the Anthurium Radicans indoors, an equal mixture of potting soil and orchid soil or perlite will provide the perfect conditions for the plant to grow in.

In the case of the outdoors, place the plant in a freely draining pot/soil.


Although the Radican plant does not require a lot of effort, it does love water. Its watering needs are low to medium, depending on its environment and genetics.

For a rough estimate, water your Anthurium Radican when the top 1-2 inches of the soil is dry.

For hot climates, I suggest watering the Radicans plant about once every 2 to 3 days.

For those of you living in relatively colder or rainy locations, water your Anthurium Radicans as necessary. Allow the Anthurium Radicans soil to dry out before watering it again.

Remember not to overwater or underwater your Radicans plant. To make things convenient, you can use a moisture meterĀ to check the plantā€™s moisture levels.


The Anthurium Radicans need about 70-85% light. Place your Radicans in a spot withĀ filtered, indirect sunlight. A light that is too direct will most likely scorch the leaves and flowers of the plant.

During the summers, put the plant in partial shade where bright dappled sunlight hits it. During the colder seasons, if temperatures are extreme, bring your Radicans plant indoors.

However, if the temperature is moderately cold, let it remain outside, but make sure it receives plenty of indirect sunlight.

Since the Anuthirum Radicans is a tropical plant, protect it from the harsh winter temperatures.

However, remember to allow the plant to receive adequate sunlight as low light slows down the plantā€™s growth, and it produces fewer, smaller flowers.


The humid and toasty climate of the lands of Brazil is home to this aroid species. Therefore, the Anthurium Radicans species prefer warm temperatures. The optimal temperature range for the Radicans plant is 70 to 90Ā oF (21 to 32 degrees Celsius).

If you do not live in such warm temperatures, worry not. Fortunately, this species is adaptable and possesses the ability to flourish in a vast range of temperatures.

However, as with most plants, the Anthurium Radicans also cannot tolerate temperature extremes. If your thermostat drops below 50Ā oF, it is time to heat things a bit.

Similarly, if your house gets too warm, the Radicans plant may wilt.

Be sure to keep them away from cold environments having air conditioners and direct fans.


The Anthurium Radicans species flourish very well in humid environments. An ideal humidity level for the Radicans plant is 60% to 80%.

You can measure humidity levels in your house by using a hygrometer. This device accurately tells the humidity levels and can be very helpful for keeping indoor plants.

Alternatively, you can invest in a humidifier to achieve the desired humidity levels.

If you are not a fan of technological devices, you can also alter the humidity levels in your house naturally.

One way is to fill small trays with pebbles and water and place your Radicans plant in or around them.

Another option is to group all your houseplants if you have other indoor houseplants as well. This can increase humidity levels in a short time and ensure even humidity distribution among the plants.

Luckily, the flowering varieties of the Anthurium Radicans can tolerate some dryness, which allows you more time to establish the ideal humidity levels.

On the other hand, the types with more textured and elongated leaves may require greater care and humidity.


One reason why the Anthurium Radicans is a popular houseplant choice is because of its minimum to moderate maintenance needs.

It only has to be fed a few times throughout the year, making it easy to manage.

For growing a healthy Anthurium Radicans, buyĀ good quality fertilizerĀ with a high content of phosphorous.

Phosphorous will promote relatively more blooms. Ensure the fertilizer does not contain too many salts as such fertilizers can causeĀ root-rotĀ and have adverse effects overall.

Fertilize the Anthurium Radican about thrice a year. For fertilizing your Radicans plant, use a slow-release fertilizer and put it approximately 6 inches away from the plantā€™s base.

This will help the fertilizer spread evenly.

I would suggest using the fertilizer specifically made for Anthuriums if you are unsure.

Be sure to fertilize the Radicans plant during the growing seasons, summer and spring, to ensure relatively fast and healthy growth.


The Anthurium Radicans plant has an average growth rate. However, like any other plant, its growth can reduce significantly if left in a confined space.

If you notice your Radicans plantā€™s growth rate has slowed down or it is drying out quicker than usual, I recommend you toĀ repot it.

Another indication of repotting is the outgrowth of the plant from its current pot.

An Anthurium Radicans should be repotted about every two to three years or when it has reached a height of approximately 20 inches.

You can also check if the roots are circling the potting mixtureā€™s surface or are growing through the drainage holes.Ā  Both indicate repotting.

Place your Radicans plant in the new larger container and fill it with the suitable potting soil to repot.

With light tapping of your fingers, firm the potting mix. Add some water to settle the soil. Now, sprinkle some more potting mixture, if needed.


As visually pleasing as the Anthurium Radicans is, it may need pruning from time to time. Your Radicans plant can be pruned at any time of the year.

One reason why you might want to trim the exotic Anthrum Radicans is for it to look aesthetic. Irregular and dead leaves can look unpleasant.

And so, it is best to cut them off. Another reason to prune the Radicans plant is when its leaves have grown yellowĀ or brown due to old age, low humidity, or inadequate nutrients.

You can also prune an Anthurium Radicans for size control. If you have limited space available indoors or simply do not wish for your plant to outgrow its pot/space, you can always trim it with a pair of pruning scissors.

Ensure that you utilize good-quality cutting tools, as dull blades can damage and crush the plantā€™s stems.

The usage of unsterilized tools also increases the probability of pest attack and disease. To prevent microbial infections, clean your cutting tools after each use.

Make use of rubbing alcohol or an anti-bacterial bleaching solution.


The propagation process for Anthurium Radicans is quite easy and does not require much. All you need is stem cuttings of your plant, and the next steps are pretty similar to other plantsā€™ propagation methods.

After the stem-cutting process, you just need to ensure that the new plant is placed and grown in an ideal environment.

Always make sure that your gardening tools are sterilized and free of any microbial growth.

The use of tools with fungal/bacterial growth makes your plants susceptible to diseases and infection. Preferably, wear protective clothing during the propagation process.

Follow the steps below to propagate this exotic species:

  • Cut off a length of 6 inches from one stem of your Radicans plant with some pruning shears/scissors. I would recommend you to cut the stem with 2 to 3 leaves on it.
  • Pick a plant pot that is approximately 10 inches in diameter. Fill this with a well-draining potting mix. Choose a planting container with drain holes in it.
  • Now make a hole that is about 2 to 3 inches deep at the prepared soilā€™s center. You can use your fingers or other tools, such as a garden spade, to create this hole.
  • Place your stem cutting in this hole and put in more potting soil to completely seal the gap around the stem. If the leaves at the bottom touch the soil or sink in the hole, gently pull them off with your fingers.
  • Next, water the potting mix with the stem cutting until it seems saturated.
  • Remember to water the soil with an interval of 2 to 3 days or whenever you feel the top layer is drying out. The goal is to keep the potting soil moist but not excessively watery.
  • Lastly, move your pot to a location that has high humidity and bright dappled sunlight.
  • Be patient as roots grow from the plant. When the roots have sprouted, you will see new foliage, or the cutting will seem taller.

When your plant seems larger and has new leaves growing from it, it is most likely mature enough to be moved into a bigger pot. This can take four to six weeks.


The Anthurium Radicans produce showy and unique flowers. They are mostly purple with pale maroon spathes that are tinged with green.

The Radicans often bloom all year round. Each bloom lasts for about two to three months. If grown in conditions similar to its natural habitat, the rain forests, it can give rise to up to six blooms each year.

Ā Growth

Luckily, an Anthurium Radicans grows almost all year round. However, its growth rate is faster during the warmer months of summer and spring, due to favorable conditions.

When placed in the right soil with adequate humidity, it can grow beautiful, long-lasting flowers.

An Anthurium Radicans plant may reach a height of 15 to 20 inches. The growth is dependent on its environment and genetics. However, in most cases, the bigger the spathe is, the longer the stem grows.




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